Author Archives: Himgiri

Please take care of my children – I may not be there after a week

Little over two years back, a member of the family, who are regular visitors of Gurgaon and Neelkanth Sthans, rang me up to say, “our uncle (Tayaji), who is in Holland, has been in Hospital for the last 5/6 months. He has virtually become immobilized. Bacteria has spread all over his body. He is not responding to any medication. Doctors have declared that he may not survive for more than a week.” Continue reading

From the clutches of an imminent death

Many years back, a couple in their late sixties, came to Kirti Nagar Sthan from America. The lady had brain tumour which was malignant and that too of the last stage. She was under the treatment of a team of doctors which comprised of her two sons and daughter-in-laws also who specialized in the eradication of cancer. After two years of treatment, they came to the conclusion that it was a gone case and, in their assessment, the lady could not survive for more than three months. She was asked of her last wish and she decided to breathe her last in her native place, Ambala. Continue reading

Amazing recovery from lungs tumour

A lady (64 years old) from America was suffering from lungs tumour. About twenty-eight years back, her right lung was removed. Over a period of time, healthy portion of her left lung had also been affected. According to the hospital doctors, surgery was inevitable to remove portion of the left lung, but the risk was that she may stop breathing. In such a situation, she may have to be put on artificial respiratory system for the rest of her life and she would be totally confined to bed. Continue reading

Shloka from Hanuman Chalisa

Dear ones,

I have come across an amazing information on a shloka from Hanuman Chalisa which I would like to share with all of you. What the modern scientists are declaring now was established in our old scriptures.

In Hanuman Chalisa, it is written:

“Yug sahastra yojan per Bhanu!
Leelyo taahi madhur phal janu!!

1 Yug = 12000 years
1 Sahastra = 1000
1 Yojan = 8 Miles

Yug x Sahastra x Yojan = par Bhanu
12000 x 1000 x 8 miles = 96000000 miles

1 mile = 1.6kms

96000000 miles = 96000000 x 1.6kms =
96000000 miles/1536000000 kms to Sun

NASA has said that, it is the exact distance between Earth and Sun (Bhanu).
Which proves Hanuman ji did jump to Planet Sun, thinking it as a sweet fruit (Madhur phal)..

Is it not amazing how accurate and meaningful our ancient scriptures are?… How rich is our heritage, is a matter of pride for all Indians. Unfortunately barely it is recognized, interpreted accurately or realized by any in today’s time…

GAYATRI MANTRA – the most powerful hymn in the world

I have received an amazing information on Gayatri Mantra which I would like to share with one and all.

*Dr.Howard Steingeril, an American scientist, collected Mantras, Hymns and invocations from all over the world and tested their strength in his Physiology Laboratory…

Hindus’ Gayatri Mantra produced 110,000 sound waves / second !
This was the highest and was found to be the most powerful hymn in the world. Through the combination of sound or sound waves of a particular frequency, this Mantra is claimed to be capable of developing specific spiritual potentialities.

The Hamburg university initiated research into the efficacy of the Gayatri Mantra both on the mental and physical plane of CREATION…

The GAYATRI MANTRA is broadcast daily for 15 minutes from 7 P.M. onwards over Radio Paramaribo, Surinam, South America for the past two years, and in Amsterdam, Holland for the last six months.

“Om Bhoor Bhuwah Swah,
Tat Savitur Varenyam,
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi,
Dhiyo Yo Nah Pra-chodayaat !”

It’s meaning: “God is dear to me like my own breath, He is the dispeller of my pains, and giver of happiness. I meditate on the supremely adorable Light of the Divine Creator, that it may inspire my thought and understanding.”

This is great information worth circulating and sharing with one and all.

Significance of lighting of 5 diyas on Diwali

Response from Shri Ravi Trehan

Dear Lalit,

May Param Pujya Guruji shower his blessings on you and your framily.

I do not know how your query escaped our attention, hence the delay in responding to it.  You have posed a very apt question – what is the significance of lighting 5 diyas at 5 places on Diwali evening.  It has both a scientific as well as a spiritual explanation.  Scientifically speaking, for various reasons, tremendous amount of pollution is created in the atmosphere.  Lighting diyas with mustard oil at different places helps in dissipating the pollution, eradicating its harmful effects and cleaning the atmosphere for well-being of human race and the living organism.

There are strong spiritual and human aspects to it also.  Nature has bestowed upon us bountiful gifts for the sustenance of human life on planet earth.  It is a call to express our gratitude to these benevolent gifts of Nature and to inculcate a sense of dedication and selfless service.

  1.  Nal – water tap:  Water is a life source.  Without this essential gift of Nature, it is impossible to imagine life on planet earth.  The inherent qualities of water are coolness, purity, transparency, continuous flow and ability to change its course when it comes across any obstacle, so on and so forth.   If we imbibe these qualities, we can attain fulfilment of life.  By lighting a diya at nal (water tap), we are expressing our gratitude to this wonderful gift of Nature.
  2. Tulsi :  Here is another priceless gift of Nature which has tremendous  medicinal values and finds a prominent place in the courtyards of many Hindu homes.  It is regarded a very sacred plant.  In Yayurveda, shyam varan tulsi has been equated with Sanjeevani booti. Scientific research has revealed that large scale plantation of Tulsi creates a thick ozone layer which protects mankind from various diseases (specially cancer) and dispels many ailments. The rightful usage of its various parts help in eradicating number of diseases.  As a normal practice in Hindu homes, diya is lit at  Tulsi plant during the entire month of Kartika. 
  3.  Peepal:   Lord Krishna says in Bhagvad Gita that among the trees, I am Peepal.  From times immemorial, Hindus have regarded Peepal as a most holy tree and have been offering jal (water) to it and lighting diyas round the year, especially on Saturdays.    Peepal tree emits oxygen during the day and carbon dioxide after the sun set.  Lighting diyas of mustard oil at Peepal tree nullifies the effect of carbon dioxide.
  4. Chauraha – road crossings:  Firstly, pollution is maximum at the crossings.  Lighting  mustard oil diyas at chaurahas (road crossings), minimise the pollution.  Secondly, at some crucial junctures of life, for some reason or the other, we find ourselves at the cross roads looking for help and guidance.  Metaphorically speaking,  lighting of diyas at the crossings is an effort to enlighten the path and extend a helping hand to the needy.  Imbibe the feelings of love and compassion for co-travellers in the path of life.
  5. Shamshaan Ghaat – Cremation ground:  This is the ultimate destination of life’s journey and an abode of  Lord Shiva.  A visit to the cremation ground is a reminder of the ultimate end of our gross body.  We must always remember that death is inevitable. So live this life like a spectator with a sense of detachment from the material world and be one with the Lord.  Furthermore,  like a multitude of  living beings, there are multitude of wandering souls.  Lighting diyas at the cremation ground also gives solace to the wandering souls and generates positive energy for their salvation.

And finally, such is the configuration of planets and stars on Diwali day  that they emit intense cosmic energy.  Lighting of diyas with mustard oil at different places also generate positive energy.  The fusion of these two energies have a tremendous positive effect for the welfare and wellbeing of all living organism.

As regards Mantra , we have explained at length in our Article – Dhan Teras, posted on the Blog on October 12 & 31, 2013.  However, for your ready reference, it is being repeated as follows:

Do japa of the following Lakshmi mantra and thereafter apply tilak at the holy feet of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha, while reciting the mantra:

“Aum Hring, Kling, Mahalakshmi Namah”

How many times to recite this mantra,  is left to your option.  Minimum one mala and maximum 5, 11malas (however, more the merrier).

Guru Ji

Why specific colours on specific days

I welcome your question and appreciate your inquisitiveness. Let me, at the very outset, clarify that it has no religious or spiritual sanctity. It is purely a scientific phenomenon. In this cosmos, we have nine nakshatras and they emit cosmic energy. We live and survive because of cosmic energy. Like all living organism, human body receives cosmic energy, which is a source of regular and adequate flow of life force, eradicates ailments and ensures good health. Continue reading

Importance of Laung, Elachi, Jal etc.

Revered Guruji, who was a manifestation of Shiv-shakti, would recommend good use of the gifts of nature,  like  jal  and vanaspati (laung, elaichi, kali-mirch etc.) to rid people of their problems.  Nature has provided medicinal values in all these items, but revered Guruji groomed his shishyas in the path of sadhna and made them capable of multiplying the medicinal values by sanctifying (blessing) these items with the power of sacred mantras to relieve people of their physical and mental problems.

But the effect of mantra-power depends upon the karmas of people.  The length of time required by an individual to derive the maximum benefit of the mantra power depends on the goodness or badness of that person. Continue reading

Guru Ji

Importance Of Kara

We live and keep ourselves alive because of cosmic energy. Due to fluctuations in the cosmic energy, certain deficiencies occur in the human body which create numerous problems. Copper, being a good conductor, plays an important role in keeping these fluctuations under control. Just as electricity is generated in a power house and through the distribution transformer and copper cable it reaches the meter in our house and we are able to make good use of the electrical equipment / gadgets. To safeguard these equipments/gadgets, we install a voltage stabilizer. In the same manner, kara, made out of copper wire, blessed with sacred mantras, receives cosmic energy, stores it and distributes/transmits it to the human body at required intensity, so that various gadgets/limbs of our body are able to perform the desired functions. Kara is worn as a protective measure to safeguard our body and to maintain its normal functioning. Continue reading

Your fever will go soon and you will never ever have T.B.

This episode took place in 1992. I had an attack of typhoid. In spite of my twice taking the course for prevention of typhoid in future, I continued to have 99*c temperature. Day by day, my condition started deteriorating. I was regularly in touch with my doctors who were of the strong opinion that if this low fever persists, then chances of my developing T.B. were imminent. After every 15 days, I had to undergo T.B. test. Over a period of time, doctors had become pretty sure that I had T.B. This frightened me and I went to Shri Sant Lal Guruji of Sonepat. After narrating my problem to him, I could not help crying. Continue reading

Bhagwad Gita – Path to Salvation

On The Auspicious Occasion Of Janmashtami

Bhagwad Gita is a Divine Song which has come out directly from the Divine ‘mukh’ of Lord Krishna. It does not project any religion, nor does it relate to any particular caste, colour, creed, sect or community. Vedas (Rig Veda, Saam Veda, Yayur Veda and Atharva Veda) are the most ancient scriptures which were written by Bhagwan Ved Vyasa as per the knowledge imparted to Him by Lord Brahma. Upnishads are said to contain the knowledge of Vedas. Shastras are derived from Upnishads. And Bhagwad Gita is the extract of all the above holy scriptures and expound the philosophy of life. As such it belongs to the entire humanity. Continue reading

To be with the REAL, or the UNREAL

Ham raat guzaar aiye, kis khuab ki bahon mein. Whether it was a good dream or a bad dream, is another story. What we see and experience in a dream state, seems to be happening in reality, but the moment we come out of the dream, we realize that it was merely an illusion and not a reality.

Nature and material world are composed of five tatvas. What relates to nature (like human body and material objects) are temporary, ever-changing, destructible and mutable while the soul derives from God and is, therefore, unborn, eternal, everlasting and primeval. The human body and the material world, because of their very nature, are prone to decay, but the soul is incorruptible. This material world is not real and the unreal has no permanent existence. The soul and God are real, are part of each other and the ultimate truth, and the real never ceases to be. This reality of both has thus been perceived by the seers of truth.

We practically observe every day this changing world with a naked eye and what we see with our own eyes does not need any proof. In this destructible and unstable dreamland, nobody belongs to you nor can any material object be yours forever. Everything is subject to change – relationships, objects, insatiable desires, actions, circumstances, situations. Change is the very essence of life in this material world. What existed yesterday, does not exist today; what exists today, will not be so tomorrow and the never ending wheel of time will continue to revolve. Our own body changes every minute. Modern scientists maintain that in seven years the whole body changes and that not even a drop of old blood remains. Our close relatives, our loved ones who were so very dear to us, our friends on whom we relied implicitly, left us. So much so, we did not even realize when our childhood, our youth left us quietly. But one existence, i.e. jeevatma, that kept watching these changes as a spectator, is the only real, stable and permanent entity. It is a law of nature that the one who takes birth, grows, changes, decays and, over a period of time, will be destroyed. In such a situation, any attempt made to establish a permanent relationship in this temporary world is a mirage.

The irony is that we try to establish our identity with the unreal and thus get caught in the web of “I, me and mine” and land ourselves into problems. What is important for us to do is to play our role assigned to us by the Almighty in as best a manner as possible, relinquishing all attachment to it. The reality is that you are not the body but a soul, which is an inseparable part of the Supreme Soul, and you have to go back to Him one day, sooner or later. So let us live this life with awareness and understand WHO AM I?

उत्सुक प्रकृति के शिष्य बनने की इच्छा रखिये

ॐ नमो शिव ॐ ॐ नमो गुरुदेव

ईश्वर और गुरु दोनों सामने खड़े हो तो , भारतिए परंपरा के अनुसार शिष्य पहले गुरु को प्रणाम करेगा , क्योंकि गुरु के आशीर्वाद और मार्गदर्शन के बिना शिष्य ईश्वर को नहीं प्राप्त कर सकता |

सतगुरु को प्राप्त करने की गहन जिज्ञासा ही गुरु की शरण मे ले जा कर हमारे भविष्य को संवार सकती है |

अपने गुरु को सर्वदा सम्मान दीजिये एवम उत्सुक प्रकृति के शिष्य बनिए क्योंकि उत्सुक शिष्य को गुरु से सर्वोतम उपलब्धि प्राप्त होती है |

सतगुरु हमारी प्यास को बुझाते नहीं , अपितु प्यास को जगाते है | वो हमको उस राह पर आगे बढ़ाते है जिस पर चल कर सवालो के जवाब हासिल होते है |

SATGURU – A Beacon Towards Righteous Avenues

जिस दिन स॓ शीश आपक॓ चरणो म॓ झुकाया है,
आपक॓ सँग न॓ म॓री जिदँगी को हसीन बनाया है।
जहाँ कही भी कदम म॓रा डगमगाया है,
सहारा द॓न॓ ज्ञान आप ही का आया है।

Since time immmortal numerous enlighted sages have told that Spritual Freedom – ” MOKSH ” , is unattainable without Moral or Ethical conducts.

Desires & Passions do exist in mankind, ever attempting for slightest of an opportunity to outburst.

Param Pujya GURUDEV an Incarnation of SANATAN SHAKTI has provided his devotees with Right Avenues for directing them & his Revered Shishyas are religiously pursuing Blessing Continue reading

Miracle on Mahashivratri

On a Mahashivratri more than 25 years ago I had gone to Gurgaon with family in my Fiat car. As usual we got very late after standing for hours and hours in the serpentine queue and came back after mid night after having Aloo and Nimbu Chai Prasad. As soon as we reached home, both my children—Nikku & Mini , wife–Jyotsna and mother started having vomits and dysentery. So many times they went to toilet in half an hour that whole house was stinking. My father who had not gone to Gurgaon contacted Dr. Sangh in ESI Hospital, Continue reading


This incident has happened a few days after GURUJI took Nirvana.Everyone(Guruji Bhakts) was having a feeling of destitution and aghast with the physical absence of our beloved GURUJI.

My wife and I were going from Neelkanth Dham to Gurgaon for the first time.We were not knowing the route.Some one at Dham guided us to go via Jhatikara Mor and Jhatikara Village which was a secluded route those days.It was dusk time.

Before reaching Jhati kara Village, we got confused as to which road to follow. As far as we could see there was no body visible to guide us. Continue reading

One Darshan of Guruji and all life’s problems finished

In 1980-81 sometimes I used to take my official Jeep with family to go to Gurgaon on Bara veerwar. My driver Amar Singh used to sleep in the jeep when we used to stand in queue for hours. After couple of months I asked Amar Singh how is it that he had no desire to have Poojya Guruji’s Darshan and he cooly slept? He said he was not too keen but on our insistence he stood in the queue with us. After Guruji put him Kada and blessed him, suddenly all his problems vanished. Continue reading

Stranded, rescued with Guruji’s grace

Param Pujya Guruji is always with us. The moment I remember Him, I feel overwhelmed and recollect some incident or the other where His grace is reflected.
On one of the Bada Guruwars, we had gone to Neelkanth Dham. We generally spend some time at Dham because we experience inner peace in the spiritually charged ambience there. After meeting Papaji (Shri R.C. Malhotraji – Mukhya Shishya), having had his blessings, we took jal, paid obeisance at Param Pujya Guruji’s Samadhi and went to our car for return journey home. But alas! The car would’nt start. Continue reading

Guruji, The Super Surgeon

A few days before Param Punjya Guruji attained Nirvana, he was staying at Punjabi Bagh. We shishyas used to find every possible opportunity, almost every day, to visit him and pay our obeisance. One day, when I was at my residence, all of a sudden, stacked slabs of glass fell on my right foot and the thumb was badly mutilated. It was bleeding profusely. The episode happened so suddenly that I was taken aback and felt as if two tons of dead load had fallen on my foot.

I was rushed to a doctor, a surgeon and, looking at the condition of my foot, he observed that the thumb of my foot needed to be operated. I declined to undergo an operation. He warned that, in such a case, looking at the gravity of the injury, the nail will never get attached to the thumb and there were grave chances of developing infection. Continue reading

Spiritual Ambience at Neelkanth Dham

I started coming to Neelkanth Dham around 13/14 years back when I was hardly 8/9 years old. My parents used to visit this holy place on Sundays and Bada Guruwaars and they used to tag me along. So, initially, it was more of a ritual for me to come along with them, but on some pretext, I would miss coming on some Sundays.

Over a period of time, I started feeling good on my each visit to Dham. As soon as I would enter this holy place, I would feel positive energy coming to my mind and body and felt charged for the coming week. Gradually, I felt lot of changes taking place within me. Continue reading

Salil is alright, you take care of yourself

This happening took place sometime in September 1995. I had come to my parents’ house along with my husband, Salilji and my son Manu. One morning, around 10.00 A.M. my husband collapsed and lost consciousness. He was rushed to hospital, but the doctors were unable to understand as to what had gone wrong with him.

Instantly, I prayed to Guruji Maharaj and rang up Sonepat wale Guruji (who is my maternal uncle as well as Guruji) and apprised him of Salilji’s condition. He consoled me and said, “Beta, there is nothing to worry. Continue reading

A nazm by Param Pujya Guruji

Koi samjha nahin, ye mehfile duniya kya hai,
Khelta kaun hai aur kis ka khilauna kya hai.

Do ghadi ro lenge, ehbaab tere ghar wale,
Phir hamesha ko bhula denge, tu samjha kya hai.

Baad marne ke hua, bojh sabhi ko maloom;
jald le jayo abb is dher mein rakhha kya hai.

Shauk ginane ka ho, to apne amalon ko gin;
Teri ginti hi nahi, daulat ko tu ginta kya hai.

Main wo shay hoon, jise chhoo loon usey sona kar doon,
main to paras hoon, tu paras ko parakhta kya hai.

Guruji’s last journey— seen in dream before he left physical form

Some days before Poojya Gurujitook Samadhi, I saw a strange dream that I was standing on the opposite side of Punjabi Bagh Club near City Banquet and was putting flowers on body of Guruji being taken on a carriage on his last journey to Neel Kanth Dham. When I woke up I got very scared to think about it and did not talk to any one. Continue reading

My father’s illness and AIIMS doctors were astonished

My father got Prostrate Cancer and had five operations. He was very worried as my youngest sister Dr. Kumudini was not married as yet. He talked to Guruji who told him not to worry and that during his lifetime Guruji will get her married. Within next two years we looked for matches and as per Guruji’s Blessings, Kumudini got married in December 1984 and my father expired in May 1987. Meanwhile his surgeries for Cancer followed by Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy continued. He used to pass blood in urine profusely but doctors at AIIMS Hospital were astonished that his Haemoglobin level never went down — with Guruji’s miracle. Jai Maha-Gurudev.

Control over nature

Down the memory lane, I recall an awe-inspiring happening. It was one of the Bara Guruwars. Sewa was being rendered. Devotees were patiently standing in more than a kilometre long queue waiting to have Guruji’s darshan and to receive his blessings. Suddenly dark clouds appeared in the sky and it seemed as if it would start raining heavily. One of the sewadars rushed to Guruji to inform him of this development. In the event of down-pour, there was a strong likelihood of the public running helter-skelter, resulting in a stampede which could injure men, women and children. Receiving the information, Guruji remained absolutely composed, called me to his room Continue reading

Miracle Darshan

Many times while going to office at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I used to go to Guruji’s office at Curzon Road (Kasturba Gandhi Marg) and have His Darshan in the morning. People used to wait in different Corridors of Soil Survey Office and many of them were scared as some time they may be rebuked by Guruji. But I was extremely lucky to never be rebuked by him Continue reading

Guruji's infallible wisdom and Srimad Bhagvad Gita's timeless message

As we all know Guruji is our all-powerful master and what he stated while in his physical form is worth contemplating and reflecting on for each individual whether young or old.  Often we get to hear from our Guru-bhais and Guru-didis that Guruji told me “this” and Guruji told me “that” however, few really know what Guruji wanted his disciples to learn or acquire from his messages.  Continue reading

Guru Ji

Give up Five Percent of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha and Ahankaara

It is not possible to fathom Brahman by any one limited to the perception of senses. To know HIM man has to transcend his senses. That is why we can only tell aboutPUJYA GURUJI in segments and fragments. It is difficult even to say, if we can tell all about HIM through compiling from each of the disciples. Well, it is a venture to make revelations with my own limitations. Continue reading

F C Sharma

The Prasad

The event dates back to the time when "seva" had   just about started at the "Guru-Sthaan ".

One evening, the day before the appointed “Bada   Guruvaar”, Guruji called me and said that I should come early the next day to   offer my Prasad of “Meethi Phuliyaan” on the occasion of “Bada Guruvaar” at the   Gurgaon Sthaan. Continue reading

Images of a Vision – Journey to Hariana (Guruji’s birth place)

Down the memory lane,  it was the month of March in  1983.  Mahashivratri Parv  had just been celebrated and  spring was in full bloom.  It was the time that fills the human soul  with yearning and nurtures the profoundest of spiritual passions which  intoxicates man’s very being. After a day long struggle with life, hordes of  impassioned  shishyas  yearned to gaze in awe at the radiant,  blissful vision of their spiritual father. Continue reading

Guru Ji

The Pulses Petrol

When Gurudev was in His human form, I used to go   to Gurgaon everyday, infact twice a day. I had an Ambassador car which used to   give me an average of approx. 10 kilometers to a litre. Since the meter of the   fuel indicator was faulty, I used to get petrol filled up and write down the   mileage, so that I could get a re-fill before the petrol finishes in the   tank. Continue reading